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I started JODIBLK.com in 2014 as a creative outlet to share my style and the things that inspire me.

I live in Toronto, Canada with my husband Jose. My mantra in life is - Less is more.

I look forward to sharing my life + style with you. xx

wife life | day ONE

Jodi Blk

Hi beauties! I'm back from a bit of a blogging hiatus but more importantly I'm back as a married woman! It feels weird saying that but it's also the best feeling in the world. Being a wife is new for me but I'm super excited about my new role. 

I've always liked the idea of marriage because I've always been a committed person. Whenever I truly and whole-heartedly commit to something, I give it my all and that's what I plan on doing for the rest of my life - giving Jose my all. 

We're both on cloud nine right now and excited about our future together.  We have really big plans for our lives and we both want to enjoy our lives together in the best possible ways. We hope to travel the world together (as soon as my back can handle a flight) and experience everything that life has to offer. We're both so passionate about our careers and right now is an exciting time for both of us. I can't wait to share it all with you guys. 

I don't have the energy right now to tell you every detail about our wedding but I just wanted to check in because I know you're waiting for it!  I promise I will, I just need a few days to reflect and to really let it all sink in. Off to have a quiet day together at the Hamman Spa. 

Wearing: Victoria's Secret Bride Robe